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Yen-Huey Chen, Ph. D. PT


Yen-Huey Chen, Ph. D. PT 
Assistant Professor, Department of Respiratory Therapy
Tel: +886-3-2118800 # 5233
E-mail: yhchen@mail.cgu.edu.tw


Ph. D. in Physical Education, National Taiwan normal university


Pulmonay Rehabilitaion, Long-term Respiratory Care

Fulltime Employment

  • Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, China medical college. Teaching assistant. 1994/9-1996/8
  • Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital.  Physical therapist.  1999/8-2000/6.


  1. Yen-Huey Chen, Hsiu-Feng Hsiao, Li-Fu Li, Ning-Hung Chen, Chung-Chi Huang. (2019, Mar). Effects of Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Subjects Undergoing Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation. Respiratory Care. 64(3)262-271. 
  2. Li-Fu Li, Yung-Yang Liu, Ning-Hung Chen, Yen-Huey Chen, Chung-Chi Huang, Kuo-Chin Kao, Chih-Hao Chang, Li-Pang Chuang, Li-Chung Chiu. (2018, Sep). Attenuation of ventilation-induced diaphragm dysfunction through toll-like receptor 4 and nuclear factor-κB in a murine endotoxemia model. Laboratory Investigation, 98(9)1170-1183.
  3. Yen-Huey Chen, Ming-Chu Yeh, Han-Chung Hu, Chung-Shu Lee, Li-Fu Li, Ning-Hung Chen, Chung-Chi Huang, Kuo-Chin Kao. (2015, Sep). Effects of Lung Expansion Therapy on Lung Function in Patients with Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation. Canadian Respiratory Journal. (Accepted). 本人為第一作者.
  4. Hu HC, Liu HC, Chen YH, Huang CC, Wan GH, Chou LT, Hsieh MJ, Chen NH, Yang CT, Kao KC. (2015, Aug). The impact of aerosolized mucolytic agents on the airflow resistance of bacterial filters used in mechanical ventilation.. Journal of Formosa Medical Association, 114(8)717-21.
  5. Gwo-Hwa Wan, Hui-Ling Lin, James B Fink, Yen-Huey Chen, Wei-Jhen Wang Yu-Chun Chiu, Yu-Yao Kao, Chia-Jung Liu. (2014, Oct). In vitro evaluation of aerosol delivery by different nebulization modes in pediatric and mechanical ventilator models. Respiratory Care, 29(10)1494-500. (Accepted).
  6. Yen-Huey Chen, Hui-Ling Lin, Hsiu-Feng Hsiao, Ching-Tzu Huang, Kuo-Chin Kao, Li-Fu Li, Chung-Chi Huang, Ying-Huang Tsai (2014, Sep). Effects of an additional pressure support level on exercise duration in patients on prolonged mechanical ventilation. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 114, 1204-1210. (Accepted). 本人為第一作者.
  7. Huang CC, Chen NH, Li LF, Yang CT, Hsiao HF, Chen YH, Lin HL, Kao KC (2012, Dec). Effects of cardiac output levels on the measurement of transpulmonary thermodilution cardiac output in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 73(5)236–1241. (Accepted).
  8. Yen-Huey Chen, Hui-Ling Lin, Hsiu-Feng Hsiao, Lan-Ti Chou, Kuo-Chin Kao, Chung-Chi Huang and Ying-Huang Tsai (2012, May). Effects of exercise training on pulmonary mechanics and functional status in patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation. Respiratory Care, 57(5)727-734. 本人為第一作者.
  9. 陳妍慧, 邵以鈞, 詹美玲, (2018年12月)。比較不同身體活動量和身體質量指數對大學生生活品質的影響。物理治療,(43), 266-273。
  10. 陳妍慧, 蕭秀鳳, 李立夫, 陳濘宏, 黃崇旂(2018年07月)。肌肉電刺激對於呼吸器依賴患者在肺功能及住院預後的影響-前驅研究。呼吸治療,(17), 1-9。
  11. 詹美玲, 陳妍慧, 方進隆(2016年03月)。不同心肺適能老年人在認知任務執行時對大腦區塊之影響。運動教練科學,(41), 93-109。(已接受)。
  12. 蕭秀鳳, 葉明珠, 李立夫, 陳濘宏, 高國晉, 陳妍慧(2016年01月)。間歇正壓呼吸治療對於長期使用呼吸器病人在肺生理功能的短期效益。呼吸治療, 15(1), 15 - 26。(已接受)。
  13. 詹美玲, 陳妍慧, 吳國輝, 陳淑貞(2015年07月)。阻力訓練對老年人的生理影響。中原體育學報,(6), 1-11。(已接受)。
  14. 詹美玲, 陳妍慧, 吳國輝, 方進隆(2015年07月)。規律有氧運動介入對不同體型女生血脂質的影響。中原體育學報,(6)138-151。(已接受)。
  15. 陳妍慧、詹美玲、方進隆(2014年12月)。運動對老年人腦氧合功能及認知功能的影響。中華體育季刊,28(4) 269-27。本人為第一作者。
  16. 陳妍慧、柯姿杏、張芷婷、萬國華、林蕙鈴、黃崇旂(2013年07月)。某大學呼吸治療學系學生臨床實習壓力與因應行為。呼吸治療。(已接受)。本人為第一作者。
  17. 邱麟翔、陳妍慧、方進隆 (2013年03月)。運動對腦部氧合能力之探討。 中華體育季刊 ,27(1)47-52。


  1. L.S. Chiu, T.Y. Huang, Y.C. Chen, W.C. Chou, Y. H. Chen, C. L. Fang (2012, Nov). The Effects of Different Intensity Resistance Training on the Muscular fitness and Blood Lipids of overweight College males. The 11th Annual Conference of the Society of the Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness and 5th Shanghi International Forum on Exercise and Health.
  2. Yen-Huey Chen, Gwo-Hwa Wan, Hui-Ling Lin, Chung-Chi Huang. (2012, Nov). Effects of 4-week Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Pulmonary Function and Quality of Life in Patients with COPD. 2012 American Association of Respiratory Care Congress, New Olreans, Lousiana, USA. 
  3. Shu-Shih Hsieh, Lin-Hsiang Chiu, Wan-Chan Chou, Yu-Kai Chang, Chin-Lung Fang, Hui-Mao Su, Yen-Huey Chen, Mei-Ling Chan. Aerobic Fitness Enhances Working Memory in Older Adults. American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM) 61st Annual Meeting. May 27 - 31, 2014 Orlando, Florida
  4. MEI-LING CHAN1, Yen-Huey Chen2, Hui-Mao Su3, Wan-Chan Chou1, Lin-Hsiang Chiu1, Shu-Shih Hsieh1, Tsung-HsienChiang4, Chin-Lung Fang1Effect Of Prefrontal Activation In Meg During Go/nogo. Task Among Different Physical Activity Of Older Adult. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 61st Annual Meeting. May 27 - 31, 2014 Orlando, Florida
  1. Y.H. Chen, L.S. Chiu, T.Y. Huang, Y.C. Chen, W.C. Chou, C.L. Fang, Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. Effects of Different Intensity and Frequency Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome Factors in Overweight Males. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 60th Annual Meeting. May 28-June 1, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  2. Yen-Huey Chen PT, MS, Kuo-Chin Kao MD, Li-Fu Li MD, PhD, Hsiu-Feng Hsiao, RRT, MS, Ning-Horn Chen MD, Chung-Chi Huang MD. Effects of electrical stimulation on hospitalization outcomes in patients with prolong mechanical ventilator. American Thoracic Society 2017 International Conference Washington, DC, USA
  3. Chen Yu-Cheng, Chen Yen-Huey, Chen Li-Rong, Tsao Ching-ching. The Effect of Walking Program with Pedometer on Quality-of-Life among Obstructive Lung Disease Patients. American Association of Respiratory Care Congress 2018 Las Vegas, NV, USA
  4. Yu-fen Hsin, Shu-Hsin Chen, Teng-Jen Yu, Yen-Huey Chen. Acute effects of transcutaneous electrical diaphragmatic stimulation in patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation. American Association of Respiratory Care Congress 2018 Las Vegas, NV, USA


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