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Origin & Purpose

Respiratory care is a relatively new medical profession, which offers patients with the diagnosis, monitoring and the treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases. The service includes critical care, outpatient and long-term care and is provided for adults, children, babies and neonates .

 In the year of 1999, Chang Gung University established the Respiratory Care Department, which has trained many respiratory professionals during the past decade. Due to the increasing demand for respiratory therapists, seven universities have set up the respiratory care department in Taiwan. However, even though there are many departments training the RT professionals, we’ve noticed that the qualities of the teaching and the curriculums had room for improvement. Through international cooperation improvement can be achieved. Therefore, Chang Gung University is dedicated to developing international cooperation. By inviting international scholars, we not only improve our teaching quality and curriculum planning but also provide our students with international perspectives 

 In the clinical setting, the current respiratory therapists in Taiwan still have room for improvement, particularly in the aspects of protocols set-up and assessment training. To strengthen our capacity in these aspects in 2009, our department invited the director of the University of Texas at San Antonio, David L. Vines and the associate professor, Ruben Dario Restrepo to join us. They both have published many respiratory textbooks and research articles. Through their contribution, the department would like to pursue the accreditation from the Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care in order for our graduates to take roles in the National Board of Respiratory Care in the States.  
